Are you a builder who has experienced the frustrations of the traditional finishing process?


Job Site Invasion


Picture the following:

  • A painter, staining or spraying millwork on saw horses in the middle of a job site or, even worse, after it has been installed…plus

  • Disruption caused by excess equipment, fumes, and overspray mess…plus

  • Dust, humidity, and a poorly lit environment, compromising the quality of the final finishes.

Keep your jobsite clear of clutter. There is a better way to finish.

Take advantage of our prefinishing in an off-site, controlled environment

Scheduling Issues


The logistics of getting millwork from the supplier, to the painter, to the jobsite, and to the carpenter is complicated. You’re concerned with getting the material to the carpenters on time, so you ordered it early. 

  • The lumber yard can only store it for so long before they have to send it to the painting contractor or your jobsite…and 

  • The painting contractor doesn’t have the space for multiple projects, so he isn’t ready for it yet…and

  • The last thing you want to do is send it to the jobsite for improper storage. 

Stop worrying about all this. There is a better way to finish.

Take advantage of our simplified logistics process and jobsite delivery of ready-to-install millwork.

Lack of Control


Does this story sound familiar?

“John Doe” is a great painter. He’s always busy with weeks of backlog. In fact, he’s so busy that you know you need to start reminding him about his upcoming commitment to you a few weeks out. You like John’s work, but working with John often leaves you feeling like your job isn’t his top priority, and it is frustrating when it feels like you are constantly nagging your subcontractors to make your job a priority. 

Get your time and energy back. There is a better way to finish.

Take advantage of our Hassle-Free Prefinishing Plan and extended storage capability to make sure your millwork is ready when you need it.